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Mikroelektronika d.o.o.

MikroMedia Connect Shield

MikroMedia Connect Shield

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£16.04 inc VAT
£13.44 exc VAT
Regular price £19.20 GBP Sale price
£16.04 inc VAT
£13.44 exc VAT
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The MikroMedia™ Connect Shield is a pin-compatible expansion board with different types of mikroMedia™ boards offered by MikroElektronika. The connect shield enables users to bring about connections between the mikroMedia™ board and any additional electronic equipment. The board comes with integrated high-quality screw terminals that allow easy interfacing with each pin without soldering.

The Connect Shield Board has a prototyping area that aid in employing additional components and developing the base functionality with custom features. The board features VCC and GND lines on the sides of the prototyping area. This mikroMedia™ shield is offered with two 26-pin stacking headers. Highly convenient in prototype development, this board allows users to integrate the mikroMedia™ board as a final product.

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