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Tag-Connect, LLC

Tag Connect TC2030-PKT-SWD Cable

Tag Connect TC2030-PKT-SWD Cable

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2,466.00TL exc tax
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2,466.00TL exc tax
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Ideal for both debugging and production programming of SAM ARM Cortex MCUs using the Microchip PICkit 4 or SNAP in-circuit debuggers, the 6 pin plug-of-nails™ cable terminates in a 8 pin 0.1″ male SIP strip for connection to the debugger. This is similar to the TC2030-PKT cable but has an 8 pin SIP connector rather than 6 pin, as required when using the PICkit 4 or SNAP debugger for SAM MCU programming and/or debugging. The target board pin connections on the plug-of-nails™ connector are the same as on our TC2030-CTX ARM Cortex cable.

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