Tableau de clic Flash 10
Tableau de clic Flash 10
Key Features
- Mémoire flash 32 Mbit (bloc physique 16x2 Mbit), architecture d'effacement optimisée pour les applications de stockage de code et de données, protection flexible des blocs non volatils, hautes performances, protection en écriture, endurance et conservation des données, faible consommation d'énergie, etc.
- Basé sur la solution de mémoire Flash série AT25FF321A de Dialog Semiconductor
- Peut être utilisé pour le stockage et le transfert de données dans les appareils grand public, les systèmes d'entreprise et les applications industrielles
- mikroBUS : interfaces SPI et QSPI
La carte Flash 10 Click Board™ est une carte complémentaire compacte qui représente une solution de mémoire extrêmement fiable. Cette carte comprend l'AT25FF321A, une solution de mémoire Flash série 32 Mbit (2Mx16) configurable SPI de Dialog Semiconductor. L'AT25FF321A est une solution idéale pour les systèmes dans lesquels le code du programme est copié de la mémoire Flash vers la RAM intégrée ou externe (code shadow) pour l'exécution et où de petites quantités de données sont stockées et mises à jour localement dans la mémoire Flash. Elle dispose d'une architecture d'effacement flexible et optimisée pour les applications de stockage de code et de données, d'une protection non volatile et de quatre registres de sécurité OTP spécialisés de 128 octets pour stocker un identifiant d'appareil unique et un stockage de clé verrouillée. Cette mémoire peut supporter de nombreux cycles d'écriture (minimum 100 000) et a une période de conservation des données supérieure à 20 ans. Cette carte Click board™ convient au stockage et au transfert de données dans les appareils grand public, les systèmes d'entreprise et les applications industrielles.
La carte Flash 10 Click Board™ est supportée par une bibliothèque compatible mikroSDK, qui comprend des fonctions qui simplifient le développement logiciel. Cette carte Click Board™ est un produit entièrement testé, prêt à être utilisé sur un système équipé du socket mikroBUS™.
How Does The Flash 10 Click Board™ Work?
The Flash 10 Click Board™ as its foundation uses the AT25FF321A, a highly reliable serial Flash memory solution designed for use in a wide variety of high-volume consumer and connected applications from Dialog Semiconductor. The AT25FF321A is organized as a 32Mbit (16x2 Mbit physical block) Flash memory ideally suited for systems in which program code is shadowed from Flash memory into embedded or external RAM (code shadow) for execution and where small amounts of data are stored and updated locally in the Flash memory. The AT25FF321A specifies a minimum of 100.000 endurance cycles with data retention of a minimum of 20 years, giving it the capability to handle unlimited reads/writes to the memory.
The AT25FF321A's erase block sizes are optimized to meet the needs of today's code and data storage applications, supporting flexible and optimized erase architecture for code and data storage applications (4kB, 32kB, and 64kB block erase operations) and a full-chip erase feature. The most efficient use of memory space can be achieved by optimizing the erase blocks' size. Also, the AT25FF321A contains four specialized 128-byte One-Time Programmable (OTP) security registers which can be used to store a unique device ID and locked key storage.
The Flash 10 Click Board™ communicates with MCU through a standard SPI interface supporting the two most common SPI modes, SPI Mode 0 and 3. Furthermore, this Click board™ provides additional hardware-controlled functions. The configurable Write Protection, marked as WP and routed on the PWM pin of the mikroBUS™ socket, protects all registers (including status and configuration) from write operations and must be held low to inhibit all the write operations to registers. When this pin is low, all memory and register writes are prohibited, and the address counter is not incremented.
Also, it is possible to use the Reset or Hold function through the RST pin of the mikroBUS™ socket, depending on the state of the HOLD/RESET bit 7 in Status Register 3. In the case of the Hold function, this pin temporarily pauses serial communication without deselecting or resetting the device, while in the case of the Reset feature, a low logic level on the RST pin puts the AT25FF321A into a Reset state.
The Flash 10 Click Board™ can be operated only with a 3.3V logic voltage level. The board must perform appropriate logic voltage level conversion before using MCUs with different logic levels. However, the Click board™ comes equipped with a library containing functions and an example code that can be used, as a reference, for further development.
Type | FLASH |
Applications | Can be used for storage and data transfer in consumer devices, enterprise systems, and industrial applications |
On-board modules | AT25FF321A - serial Flash memory solution from Dialog Semiconductor |
Key Features | 32Mbit (16x2Mbit physical block) flash memory, optimized erase architecture for code and data storage applications, flexible non-volatile block protection, high performance, write protection, data endurance and retention, low power consumption, and more |
Interface | QSPI,SPI |
Compatibility | mikroBUS |
Click board size | S (28.6 x 25.4 mm) |
Input Voltage | 3.3V |
This table shows how the pinout of the Flash 10 Click Board™ corresponds to the pinout on the mikroBUS™ socket (the latter shown in the two middle columns).
Notes | Pin | Pin | Notes | ||||
NC | 1 | AN | PWM | 16 | WP | QSPI IO2 / Write Protection | |
QSPI IO3 / Reset | RST | 2 | RST | INT | 15 | NC | |
SPI Chip Select | CS | 3 | CS | RX | 14 | NC | |
SPI Clock | SCK | 4 | SCK | TX | 13 | NC | |
QSPI IO1 / SPI Data OUT | SDO | 5 | MISO | SCL | 12 | NC | |
QSPI IO0 / SPI Data IN | SDI | 6 | MOSI | SDA | 11 | NC | |
Power Supply | 3.3V | 7 | 3.3V | 5V | 10 | NC | |
Ground | GND | 8 | GND | GND | 9 | GND | Ground |
Label | Name | Default | Description |
LD1 | PWR | - | Power LED Indicator |
Description | Min | Typ | Max | Unit |
Supply Voltage | - | 3.3 | - | V |
Memory Size | - | - | 32 | Mbit |
Write Endurance | 100k | - | - | Cycles |
Data Retention | 20 | - | - | Years |
Operating Temperature Range | -40 | +25 | +85 | °C |
Software Support
We provide a library for the Flash 10 Click Board™ as well as a demo application (example), developed using MikroElektronika compilers. The demo can run on all the main MikroElektronika development boards.
The package can be downloaded/installed directly from NECTO Studio The package Manager (recommended), downloaded from our LibStock™ or found on MikroE Github account.
Library Description
This library contains API for the Flash 10 Click Board™ driver.
Key functions
This function erases the selected amount of memory which contains the selected address. -
This function writes a desired number of data bytes starting from the selected memory address. -
This function reads a desired number of data bytes starting from the selected memory address.
Example Description
This example demonstrates the use of the Flash 10 Click Board™ by writing specified data to the memory and reading it back.
void application_task ( void )
uint8_t data_buf[ 128 ] = { 0 };
log_printf ( &logger, " Memory address: 0x%.6LXrn", ( uint32_t ) STARTING_ADDRESS );
if ( FLASH10_OK == flash10_erase_memory ( &flash10, FLASH10_CMD_BLOCK_ERASE_4KB, STARTING_ADDRESS ) )
log_printf ( &logger, " Erase memory block (4KB)rn" );
memcpy ( data_buf, DEMO_TEXT_MESSAGE_1, strlen ( DEMO_TEXT_MESSAGE_1 ) );
if ( FLASH10_OK == flash10_memory_write ( &flash10, STARTING_ADDRESS,
data_buf, sizeof ( data_buf ) ) )
log_printf ( &logger, " Write data: %srn", data_buf );
Delay_ms ( 100 );
memset ( data_buf, 0, sizeof ( data_buf ) );
if ( FLASH10_OK == flash10_memory_read ( &flash10, STARTING_ADDRESS,
data_buf, sizeof ( data_buf ) ) )
log_printf ( &logger, " Read data: %srnn", data_buf );
Delay_ms ( 3000 );
log_printf ( &logger, " Memory address: 0x%.6LXrn", ( uint32_t ) STARTING_ADDRESS );
if ( FLASH10_OK == flash10_erase_memory ( &flash10, FLASH10_CMD_BLOCK_ERASE_4KB, STARTING_ADDRESS ) )
log_printf ( &logger, " Erase memory block (4KB)rn" );
memcpy ( data_buf, DEMO_TEXT_MESSAGE_2, strlen ( DEMO_TEXT_MESSAGE_2 ) );
if ( FLASH10_OK == flash10_memory_write ( &flash10, STARTING_ADDRESS,
data_buf, sizeof ( data_buf ) ) )
log_printf ( &logger, " Write data: %srn", data_buf );
Delay_ms ( 100 );
memset ( data_buf, 0, sizeof ( data_buf ) );
if ( FLASH10_OK == flash10_memory_read ( &flash10, STARTING_ADDRESS,
data_buf, sizeof ( data_buf ) ) )
log_printf ( &logger, " Read data: %srnn", data_buf );
Delay_ms ( 3000 );
The full application code, and ready to use projects can be installed directly from NECTO Studio The package Manager (recommended), downloaded from our LibStock™ or found on MikroE Github account.
Other MikroE Libraries used in the example:
- MikroSDK.Board
- MikroSDK.Log
- Click.Flash10
Additional Notes and Information
Depending on the development board you are using, you may need USB UART Click Board™, USB UART 2 Click or RS232 Click to connect to your PC, for development systems with no UART to USB interface available on the board. UART terminal is available in all MikroElektronika compilers.
The Flash 10 Click Board™is supported with mikroSDK - MikroElektronika Software Development Kit. To ensure proper operation of mikroSDK compliant Click board™ demo applications, mikroSDK should be downloaded from the LibStock and installed for the compiler you are using.
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