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Mikroelektronika d.o.o.

EasyPIC v8 for DSPIC30 Development Board

EasyPIC v8 for DSPIC30 Development Board

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€254,95 EUR exc tax
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€254,95 EUR exc tax
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The EasyPIC v8 for dsPIC30 is a development board designed to rapidly develop embedded applications based on Microchip's 16-bit dsPIC30 microcontrollers (MCUs). It offers a set of standard features, as well as some new and unique features, typical for the 8th generation of development boards: CODEGRIP - programming and debugging over the WiFi network, the connectivity provided by new, improved USB-C connectors, support for a wide range of different MCUs, and more.

The development board is designed to have everything you might need for application development: a highly advanced programmer/debugger module, a reliable power supply module, and a massive set of connectivity options, including USB to UART, CAN, LIN, etc.

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